Payment method 付款方法:
**Please make sure you have received our confirm email which mentioned the training course is confirmed to be hold on training
scheduled date and time before you make the payment.
1) Please make cheque payable to : “Accredited Certification International Limited”, and post to:-
Unit 1901, 19/F., Yen Sheng Centre, 64 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
支票抬頭請寫: "國際認可認証有限公司", 並郵寄至: 香港九龍觀塘開源道 64 號源成中心19 樓 1901 室
2) Deposit to our "Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited" account, and fax or whatsapp the bank slip to us.
存入本公司"中國銀行(香港)有限公司" 賬戶,並傳真或Whatsapp銀行入數紙至本公司。
Account No 賬戶號碼 : 012-882-0-005120-1
Fax No. 傳真號碼 : (852) 2806 1940
Whatsapp No. 電話號碼: (852) 6851 9215
3) Payment can be made through “Faster Payment Service (FPS)” enabled e-banking, mobile apps, by inputting the following phone no. or email. Please remark “Company name & Contact no."
輸入以下電話號碼或電郵,透過已啟用「轉數快」的電子銀行、流動應用程式付款。 請備註“公司名稱和聯繫電話”。
Phone No. 電話號碼: (852) 6851 9215
Email 電郵: [email protected]
4) Paypal: Please visit ACI website, select “Training Academy”, the search box will be found below “Notice_Training under Tropical Cyclone” form, after inputting the course code, click the “detail” button on the right, select the button “add to cart”, choose the date you want to join, then choose checkout or continue shopping.
Paypal: 請造訪 ACI 網站,選擇 “培訓學院 (Training Academy)”,在“通告_熱帶氣旋下的培訓安排(Notice_Training under Tropical Cyclone)” 表格下方找到搜索框,輸入課程編號後,點擊右側的“詳情 (detail)”按鈕,選擇點擊“加入購物車”按鈕,選擇您上課日期,然後選擇結賬或繼續購物。