Ethical Leadership Programme (CPD hours awarded by Edinburgh Business School of Heriot Watt University)

Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, ESG are coming to the fore for businesses thriving to create success based on sustainable principles for a new global market.   In order to create business and social impacts, organisations are to identify, engage and equip stakeholders with critical mindset and skills so that they may become champions to drive a new set of values and bring them to life.


The “Ethical Leadership Programme” is an online executive programme brought to you through the collaboration of ACI, GROWDynamics, Edinburgh Business School and Panmure House, the home of the father of modern economics Adam Smith.  Bepoke, credit-bearing and CPD accredited, this first-of-its-kind programme addresses the keys to integrate ESG into business through alignment of vision and people.  Building on the case of Adam Smith’s “Theory of Moral Sentiments”, this programme inspires and empowers stakeholders to model and communicate ethics with a suite of leadership skills that drive best-in-class practice in its ESG value chain.



Management and selected ISO26000 and/or ESG stakeholders to be organisational ESG champions



  • Equip and align stakeholders
  • Encourage and constitute ethical behaviour, accountability and transparency
  • Optimise ESG performance



Modules Module Title Duration Sessions Time
0 Orientation and ISO 26000 / ESG overview 1 hour 1 x 1 hour session 22 Jan 2021 
(7:30pm - 8:30pm)
1 Cross-cultural understanding and collaboration 6 hours 3 x 2 hours session 26,29 Jan & 2 Feb 2021 
(7:30pm - 9:30pm)
2 Crafting a voice for the 4Ps: Purpose, Planet, People and Principles 6 hours 3 x 2 hours session 5, 9, 16 Feb 2021 
(7:30pm - 9:30pm)
3 Finding ethical leadership in Adam Smith for the ESG world 12 hours 4 x 3 hours session 19, 26 Feb and 5, 12 Mar 2021 
(7:30pm - 10:30pm)



Module 0  (English supplemented by Cantonese or Mandarin, as required)

  • Class introdcution and demonstration of online classroom tools
  • ISO26000 and ESG framework overview and required learning disposition


Module 1  (English supplemented by Cantonese or Mandarin, as required)

  • A look at inter-cultural disposition in a diverse organisation and marketplace
  • Cultural relativism and universalism for integrated management and collaboration


Module 2  (English supplemented by Cantonese or Mandarin, as required)

  • Balance of 4Ps and alignment of interest, vision and accountability
  • Articulate trade-offs and opportunities in one’s sphere of influence


Module 3  (English)

  • Four major theories of leadership
  • Critical areas to ESG compliance including ethics and Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments
  • Differences in leading individuals and leading teams along with the provision of a range of leadership tools



  • Media literacy from stratetically curated content, ranging from book extracts, journal articles, videos, news and case studies; critical questioning and lively discussion as scalfolding of critical thinking and articulation of thought process
  • Live-online; fully interactive with group work and breakout sessions
  • Class size: 6 to 10 pax (excluding facilitators)




  • Certificate of Attendance for Module 1 and Module 2, respectively, awarded by ACI and GROWDynamics
  • Certificate of Completion with digital batch for credential upon completion of Module 1, 2 & 3, awarded by ACI, GROWDynamics and Edinburgh Business School and 200 CPD hours awarded by Edinburgh Business School



  • Optional: pass the examination to earn 20 credits toward a postgraduate qualification awarded by EBS
  • Optional: two more courses fo a postgraduate certification in management awarded by EBS
  • Optional: three further courses for a postgraduate diploma in management awarded by EBS
  • Optional: a final three modules for an MBA degree awarded by EBS


Additional community investment opportunity:  We welcome corporates and executives to support our youth programme as a community project through sponsorship and speaking engagement.



  • Module 1: HK$  5,800
  • Module 2: HK$  5,800 
  • Module 3: HK$16,300


*CPD hours awarded by Edinburgh Business School of Heriot Watt University

Upon the successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion in digital badge format for credential from GROWDynamics, ACI and Edinburgh Business School.  If you chose to take the exam at the end of the course, on passing you will also receive a Certificate of Achievement issued by Edinburgh Business School and receive 20 credits. 

The course is accredited by the United Kingdom CPD Certification Service. You can apply for an official Certificate with 200 CPD hours.   It may be applicable to individuals who are members of, or are associated with, UK-based  professional bodies. An e-Certificate will only be granted. 


To receive this certificate you must contact CPD directly through the following link:


Self Photos / Files - WhatsApp Image 2020-09-18 at 10.06.11 AM        Self Photos / Files - CPDmember (1)        Self Photos / Files - EBS_Logo_Black

Course Code: ELP1
Duration: 11 days (25 hours session)
Venue: Live-online
Language: English supplemented by Cantonese or Mandarin, as required
Methodology: Presentation and experience sharing
Price: $27,900
11 Days (25 hours session)
11 Days (25 hours session)
Course Code: ELP1
Price: HKD27,900
Duration: 11 days (25 hours session)